Media and Presentations
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Media and Presentations

Recent Interviews:

Dr Ferguson has appeared in numerous interviews in print, radio and television since 2002. These include:


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Newspapers + Magazines

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Radio: in NSW, VIC, WA, QLD and TAS (ABC, 3AK, 2GB, 2UB, HotFM and TopFM).

Amanda is available for comment on any issue and is often interviewed on the following:

  • Organisational psychology, employee engagement, life and work satisfaction
  • Work and careers
  • Relationships and marriage
  • Work/life balance
  • Communication & conflict resolution
  • Anxieties and phobias
  • Depression
  • Addictions and gambling
  • Bullying and assertiveness
  • Hypnotherapy
  • General women’s and men’s issues
  • To arrange an interview contact Dr Ferguson directly on 0418 100 008.
Mars Venus – Foxtel Channel W (National Cable) 2004 Why is breaking up so hard to do?
Mars Venus – Foxtel Channel W (National Cable) 26 November 2003 Does Fat Matter
Mars Venus – Foxtel Channel W (National Cable) 12 November 2003 Where are all the Blokes
AM Adelaide – Channel 7 (Adelaide) 11 October 2002 Interview – Life Works book
Advertisement (National) Sept 2002 Nescafe blend 43 campaign based on the book Life Works
Today Tonight – Channel 7 (National) 6 August 2002 Great Work – Watching Workers’ Wellbeing
Radio 3AK Victoria 2002-2004 Talk back counselling weekly segment
ABC Radio (National) John Cleary / 30 November 2003
ABC Radio WA (WA) 28 November 2003 Ron Tait
2NSB (Sydney) 10 November 2003 Barry Eaton
Radio 3AK (Melbourne) 15 June 2003 Tony Packard
Radio 3AK (Melbourne) 4 June 2003 Yvonne Adele
Radio 4BC (Brisbane) 24 May 2003 Steve Andrews
Radio 3AK (Melbourne) 24 May 2003 Rowland Rochelli
Radio 3AK (Melbourne) 26 April 2003 Tony Packard
Radio 3AK (Melbourne) 16 March 2003 Tony Packard
Radio 3AK (Melbourne) 23 February 2003 Tony Packard
Radio 3AK (Melbourne) 9 February 2003 Tony Packard
ABC North Coast (Lismore) 7 February 2003 Justine Frasier
ABC Toowoomba (Toowoomba) 31 January 2003 Jim Campbell
Eastside Radio (Sydney) 29 January 2003 John Hodder
Hot FM (Rockhampton) 28 Januay 2003 Smithy and Trace
ABC Western Queensland (Western Queensland) 28 January 2003 Renee Cross
ABC South East (South East NSW) 28 January 2003 Tim Holt
5SE (Mt Gambier) 28 January 2003 Ewan Grant
ABC Launceston (Launceston) 28 January 2003 Elaine Harris
Hot FM (Mackay and Whitsundays) 24 January 2003 Meech and Teegs
Top FM (Darwin and NT) 23 January 2003 Trevor Scott
Radio 846FM (Cairns) 23 January 2003 John Mackenzie
Radio 94.7 (Geelong) 23 January 2003 David Evans
4CA (Cairns) 23 January 2003 Juanita
ABC North Coast (Northern NSW) 23 January 2003 Graham Robinson
3AW (Melbourne) 22 January 2003 Ernie Sigley
3AK (Melbourne) 15 January 2003 Tim Ferguson
3AK (Melbourne) 11 January 2003 Nathan Phillips
5AA (Adelaide) 31 December 2002 Nicole Haak
ABC 2BL (National) 30 December 2002 Richard Fydler
5SE (Mt Gambier) 30 December 2002 Ewan Grant
Star FM (Mt Gambier) 30 December 2002 Jason Scheidl
ABC 2BL (National) 23 December 2002 Richard Fydler
4WK (Toowoomba) 23 December 2002 Jim Campbell
ABC Gold Coast (Gold Coast) 19 December 2002 Tim Callahan
ABC Launceston (Launceston) 18 December 2002 Elaine Harris
5AD / 5DN / ARN News (Adelaide) 11 October 2002 News Item
5UV (Adelaide) 11 October 2002 Annie Hastwell
Mix FM (Adelaide) 9 October 2002 Kevin Mulcahy
5CK (Adelaide) 9 October 2002 Andrew Male
5TCB (Adelaide) 4 October 2002 Margaret William
2RRR (Sydney) 13 August 2002 Maggie Mason
2AD (Armidale) 3 July 2002 Jac Ellen
ABC Tamworth (Tamworth) 3 July 2002 Kate Sieper
2NSB (Sydney) 1 July 2002 Barry Eaton
2NSB (Sydney) 26 June 2002 Rose Peterson
2UE (Sydney) 16 June 2002 Malcom T Elliot
4BC (Brisbane) 14 June 2002 Ian Maurice
2SER (Sydney) 29 May 2002 Quentin Strauli
2NSB (Sydney) 28 May 2002 Yvonne Collier
2SER Sydney 1997 January to July Live-to-air guided meditations and visual exercises.
See Organisational Psychology Page for corporate events


Mind Body Spirit Festival






7 June 2003




Mind Body Spirit Festival (Brisbane) 24 May 2003 Presentation
Womens Network Australia Lunch (Brisbane) 21 May 2003 Presentation
Natural Therapies Festival (Sydney) 31 March 2003 Presentation
Mind Body Spirit Festival (Adelaide) 11-13 October 2002 3 Keynote Presentations
Australian Psychological Society (Queensland) October 2002 Presentation
Blues Point Bookshop (Sydney) 13 August 2002 Literary Dinner
GleeBooks (Sydney) 27 June 2002 Book Launch
Dymocks – Neutral Bay (Sydney) 19 June 2002 Book Launch
Mind Body Spirit Festival (Melbourne) 7 June 2002 Keynote Presentation
SWAP NSW Conference (Sydney) 7 April 2002 Keynote Presentation
Business Insider (National) Aug 1, 2018
Sydney Morning Herald weekend edition news review 3. (Sydney) April 24-25 2010 You wouldn’t read about it: the collapse of Trio Capital was barely believable. Now it has taken a novel twist. By Stuart Washington,

The Sunday Telegraph, Body & Soul, p.1-3. (Sydney) 29 Jul 2007 Solo powered; Hit the ground running after your divorce. By Fiona Sandiford.
The Sunday Telegraph, Body & Soul, p.10-12. (Sydney) 8 Jul 2007 All in the family: A little rivalry between siblings is common, but sometimes it can spill over into adulthood and affect our relationships and life. By Nikki Davis.
Sydney Morning Herald, Careers Section, my career, 3. (Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane/


21-22 Ap 2007 Error Stricken: Mistakes are part of the learning process, so own up to that clanger at work. By Nikki Davies.
Sunday Life! Sun Herald Magazine, p.19-22. (Sydney) 18 Mar 2007 Heart attacks: children, moving house and new jobs…any relationship has its hot spots. Here’s how you can navigate the crisis points and keep love alive. By Alison Tait.
MX Melbourne (Melbourne) 14 Nov 2006 Unhappy results at work. By Michelle Read.
Sydney Morning Herald, Health & Science, p.6 (Sydney) 8 Jun 2006 Get it off your chest: Storing up one’s sins is unhealthy, but choose your confessor carefully.  By Nikki Davies.…14/6/2006

Body & Soul – Sunday Telegraph/Sunday Herald Sun/Sunday Mail/The Advertiser/Sunday Times. (Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane/


2 May 2004 The Parent Trap: They may not be the ones you dream about, but there’s something to be learned from all parents – no matter who they are. By Kristie Kellahan.
Body & Soul – Sunday Telegraph/Sunday Herald Sun/Sunday Mail/The Advertiser/Sunday Times. (Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane/


20 Apr 2003 7 not so Deadly Sins: They’ve got an ugly reputation, but the infamous seven sins are not without their good points. By Kelly Baker.
MX, p.4 (Melbourne) 8 Jan 2003 The Mad Minute, interview with Amanda Ferguson.
Mosman Daily (Lower North Shore – Sydney) 19 Dec 2002 Life Works book review by Sue Hicks.
Body & Soul – Sunday Telegraph/Sunday Herald Sun/Sunday Mail/The Advertiser/Sunday Times (Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane/


1 Dec 2002 Ban the Binge: Think drinking night after night is just a side effect of a great social life? Think again. By Danielle James.
The Advertiser Life Style, p.28. (Adelaide) 8 Oct 2002 Life Works book interview.
Northern Beaches Weekender, Profile. (Sydney) 5 Sep 2002 Simplifying the intricacies of psychology. By Anna McCooe.
Sunday Life – Sun Herald, p.24. (Sydney& Melbourne) 1 Sep 2002 Life Works book review. By Caroline Baum.
Mosman Daily, p.17-18. (Sydney) 1 Aug 2002 Great gifts between the covers. Life Works book review. By Sue Hicks.
Armidale Independent (Armidale) 1 Jul 2002 Former UNE student writes manual for life. Life Works book interview. By Anthony Wood.
Armidale Express (Armidale) 1 Jul 2002 Life Works book interview. By Christian Knight.
Tempo – Sun Herald, p40-41. (Sydney & Melbourne) 30 Jun 2002 Vive la resolution – conflict doesn’t have to be a dirty word, as long as you know how to handle it.
The Chronicle (Toowoomba) 18 May 2002 Life Works book review.
Australian HR Institute (National) February 2019 Will hypnotherapy make its way into our wellness programs?
Women’s Fitness, p. 28-29. (National) November 2014 Make a habit of it: Small changes can equal big results. Time to improve your life’s habitual zones.
Australian Women’s Weekly (National) 28 March 2014 Why do women hate women? By Pat McDermott.
Australian Good Taste magazine, p.135- 137. 2006 Travel calm: A holiday with mates can either cement the friendship or you may never talk to each other again! So follow our tips to ensure your next break doesn’t end in tears. By Nikki Davies.
CLEO, p. 172-174. (National) Nov 2006 Wasted at my wedding: when these brides asked for a ‘white wedding’ they weren’t talking about the dress. By Kelli Armstrong.
Family Circle, Beauty & health. Emotional health, p.90-91. (National) May 2006 Anger management: It’s not wrong to get angry – indeed, it’s a case of better out than in. But you do need to be able to express your anger healthily. By Alix Johnson
Family Circle, p.81-83. (National) Apr 2006 Book me in: If you haven’t the time, money or even the need to visit a therapist but want to change your life, look to a book shop or library for a good self-help tome. These are some of the best ones available. By Alix Johnson
Cosmopolitan, p.102-104. (National) Apr 2006 Boyfriend Time Out: Why every girl needs a gap year (or two). By Zoe Foster.
Family Circle, Beauty & health, p.86-87. (National) Jan 2006 Positive Pause:  Holidays are time to bring balance back into our lives and recharge the batteries, so don’t put them at the bottom of your to-do-list.  Start planning your next break now – you deserve it. By Alix Johnson.
Real Living, p.138-139. (National) Nov 2005 Let It Go: Experiencing emotional turmoil? Take it, shake it, and learn from it. After all, letting go is your best chance of moving on. By Alison Taite.
Cosmopolitan, p. 190-192. (National) Oct 2005 Are you trying too hard? Living up to your own impossibly high standards can cause huge stress – and put your life in danger. Zoe Foster and Anna Fielding.
Cosmopolitan, p.78-80. (National) Jun 2005 Are You Social Dealing: Handing out a few pills to your mates on Saturday night: harmless? Innocent? Not according to the law…  By Zoe Foster.
Cosmopolitan, p.78-82. (National) Jan 2005 Where have all the good men gone? By Zoe Foster.
Cleo, p.72-73. (National) Jan 2005 Do You Have Extreme Couple Closeness? By Kelli Armstrong.
Girlfriend (National) Nov 2004 Cradle Snatcher: You’re older; he’s younger- what’s a girl to do? Don’t freak out, it is possible to successfully date a younger guy. Here’s how. By Felicity Percival.
Cleo, p.51-52. (National) Jul 2004 Is it Ever Okay to Steal Another Girl’s Guy? By Kelli Armstrong.
Cosmopolitan, p.43-44. (National) Jul 2004 Break-up-orexia: As they say, breaking up is hard to do. By Sarah Wilson.
Cleo, p.78-80. (National) Jun 2004 Right Man Wrong Time: How to reset your love clock. By Felicity Percival.
Cleo, p.114-117. (National) Apr 2004 I Want What She’s Got: Do you suffer from sister envy? By Felicity Percival.
(National) Feb 2004 Break-ups, Breakdowns and Bad Moods: Why drama queens are a pain in the arse. By Kelli Armstrong
CLEO, p. 70-73. (National Aug 2003 Chick rage! Are you having anger management issues?
By Sarah Marinos.
The Magazine for Working Women, cover and p.11. (National) Autumn
How does your life stack up? The choices we make. Interview with Amanda Ferguson.
Australian House & Garden, p111-114. (National) April 2003 Happy families: Making it work. By Alison Taite.
New Woman, p. 34. (National) Nov 2002 Sorry, you’re out of date – how to end friendships when they’ve passed their used by date. Alison Taite.
Cleo, p.88-92 (National) Nov 2002 How to stay single sexy – even when you are in a relationship. By Fiona Sandiford.
Cleo, p. 116-119 (National) Oct 2002 So-So Sex Syndrome – When you just don’t feel like doing it! By Brooke Le Poer Trench.
Cleo, p.80-83 (National) Aug 2002 If only I‘d said No! – Why is such a teensy-weensy word so damn hard to say? By Fiona Sandiford.
Australian Vital, p.14. (National) Aug 2002 Life Works book review.
Nine to Five (Sydney) 29 Jul 2002 Life Works book interview with Amanda Ferguson.
Insight Magazine, p.61. (National) 1 Jul 2002 Life Works book review and interview of Amanda Ferguson. By Toni Wallis.
Bookseller & Publisher, p.36. (National) 1 Apr 2002 Life Works book review.
Me: The Health and Beauty Magazine, p.62-63. (National) Spring 1988 Mindfield: Hypnotherapy: If you thought hypnotherapy was about making seemingly sane people do chicken impersonations you have a lot to learn a did Snezna Kerekovic when she went under hypnosis. (see article on Amanda’s website, hypnotherapy page).

Published Papers:


  • Does Clinical Engagement Differ from Business Engagement?
    The Society of Australasian Social Psychologist Annual Conference, Manly, Australia, April 14-17, 2011.


  • How does work ‘Employee Engagement’ operate in clinical contexts?
    Ferguson, A. E., Fitness, J. & Bull, A.

    Macquarie University Research Festival, Macquarie University, Australia, 2010.


  • How Does Engagement Work in Clinical Contexts?
    In Conference Handbook of the 8th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP) (p. 82). APS: Sydney.
    8th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP)


  • Australian Psychological Society, 25-28 June 2009, poster – Organisational Development & Change.


  • How does work ‘engagement’ operate in clinical contexts?
    Ferguson, A., Fitness, J., & Langford, P.
    Macquarie University Research Festival, Macquarie University, Australia, 2008.


  • ‘Employee Engagement’: What is it, and how does it work in business and medical contexts?
    7th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP) / 1st Asia Pacific Congress on Work and Organisational Psychology (APCWOP),
    28 June-1 July 2007. Proceedings (p. 73-75).


  • ‘Employee Engagement’: Does it exist, and if so, how does it relate to performance, other constructs and individual differences?
    Annual Industrial/ Organisational Psychology Conference, Australian Psychological Society, 1-3 July 2005.


  • ‘Employee engagement’: Does it exist? And if so, how does it relate to performance and other job constructs such as commitment?
    Macquarie University Research Festival, Macquarie University, Australia, 2005.


  • Working with Couples Using Hypnotherapy.
    In Journal of the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists, 2004, 25(2), 56-67 and reprinted in 2012, 34(2), 34-45.
    Presented at the 14th Convention of the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists: Promoting Change for Tomorrow’s Society 18-19 September 2004.


  • ‘Employee Engagement’: Does it exist, and if so, how does it relate to performance, other constructs and individual differences in work-life balance and love life?
    Ferguson, A. E., Carstairs, J., Fitness, J., & Russell, G.
    Macquarie University Research Festival, Macquarie University, Australia, 2004.


  • Theoretical frameworks for relationship transitions and the predictors of successful transitions.
    In T. Bowles & Z. Pearce (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society’s Interest Group on the Psychology of Relationships (pp. 40-45). APS: Melbourne.
    Psychology of Relationships Interest Group, Australian Psychological Society, Annual conference: Relationship Transitions, 13-14 November 2004.
To book Dr. Amanda Ferguson for your upcoming event, read her recent media articles or find out more about her podcast or book
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